
Skysmart is an online school from the creators of Skyeng for students in grades 1-11 and those just getting ready to study.

ID: 135

Map where "Skysmart" is active

Countries where Skysmart is active

Venezuela  - VE Jamaica  - JM Sweden  - SE Ukraine  - UA Kenya  - KE Ecuador  - EC Hungary  - HU Gabon  - GA Bulgaria  - BG Brazil  - BR Georgia  - GE Yemen  - YE Pakistan  - PK Guyana  - GY Thailand  - TH

Table Skysmart

# Status Title offer Category Paymodel Payment Partner Link
1 Active First payment for a new student (cashback and coupons) Skysmart Education CPS 7.0 %
2 Active First payment for a new student Skysmart Education CPS 12.0 %
3 Active Left application Skysmart Education CPL 0.0
4 Active Completed water lesson Skysmart Education CPL 100.0 RUB

Popular Offers in category Education

Vikium - vebinary

eCPC: 5.52 CR: 0.12%


eCPC: 2.88 CR: 0.03%

eCPC: 2.4 CR: 0.02%


eCPC: 2.0 CR: 0.0%


eCPC: 53.01 CR: 2.9%


eCPC: 5.69 CR: 1.3%